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ColorPicker Wrapper

  • The ColorPicker Wrapper is responsible for managing the built-in components.

All built-in components should be wrapped within the ColorPicker component.

  • You can nest components within the ColorPicker wrapper to achieve the desired level of customization.
<Preview />

<Panel1 />
<HueSlider vertical />

<OpacitySlider />

<Swatches />



  • The initial color that should be displayed when the ColorPicker is loaded.
  • If the value property is modified, the ColorPicker will automatically update the displayed color.
  • Accepts: 'hex' | 'rgb' | 'rgba' | 'hsl' | 'hsla' | 'hsv' | 'hsva' | 'hwb' | 'hwba' | named colors formats.
  • type: string
  • default: '#fff'


  • A global property that allows the slider background color spectrum to adapt to changes in brightness and saturation for all descendant slider components.
  • type: boolean
  • default: false



  • A global property for all descendant sliders and panels components.
  • Determines whether the slider thumb (or handle) should be constrained to stay within the boundaries of the slider.
  • When set to true, the thumb will not be allowed to move beyond the edges of the slider.
  • When set to false, part of it will be outside of the slider bounds.
  • type: boolean
  • default: false


  • A global property that allows for changing the thickness of all descendant slider components.
  • The thickness refers to the width of the slider in the case of a vertical orientation, and the height in the case of a horizontal orientation.
  • type: number
  • default: 25


  • A global property to change the duration which the thumbs animate when the value prop changes.
  • type: number
  • default: 200


  • A global property for changing the thumb size of all descendant slider components.
  • type: number
  • default: 35


  • A global property for changing the thumb color of all descendant slider components.
  • type: string
  • default: undefined


  • A global property that allows for the alteration of the thumb shape and appearance of all descendant slider components.
  • type: string
  • default: 'ring'
  • values:'ring' | 'solid' | 'hollow' | 'line' | 'plus' | 'pill' | 'triangleUp' | 'triangleDown' | 'doubleTriangle' | 'rect' | 'circle'


  • A global property to change the style of the thumb's View for all descendant sliders components.
  • type: ViewStyle


  • A global property to change the color of the thumb's inner View(s) for all descendant sliders components.
  • type: ViewStyle


  • A global property to controls the scale value animation of the thumb when active.
  • type: number
  • default: 1.2


  • A global property to sets the duration of the scale animation of the thumb when active.
  • type: number
  • default: 100


  • Function which receives ThumbProps and returns a custom thumb component.
  • Overrides thumbShape


Prop Type Description
positionStyle StyleProp This style determines the position of the thumb and is a crucial element that should be included.
width number Extracted from the thumbSize prop and it's important for thumb position calculation.
height number Extracted from the thumbSize prop and it's important for thumb position calculation.
adaptiveColor SharedValue<string> White or black based on the contrast ratio.
currentColor SharedValue<string> This shared value will update whenever the color changes.
initialColor string The initial color value as a string.
  • Example Usage:
import Animated, { useAnimatedStyle } from 'react-native-reanimated';
import type { RenderThumbProps } from 'reanimated-color-picker';

function MyCustomThumb({ width, height, positionStyle, adaptiveColor, currentColor, initialColor }: RenderThumbProps) {
const animatedStyle = useAnimatedStyle(() => ({
borderColor: adaptiveColor.value,
backgroundColor: currentColor.value,

return (
style={[{ width, height, borderWidth: 1, borderRadius: width / 2, overflow: 'hidden' }, animatedStyle, positionStyle]}
<View style={{ backgroundColor: initialColor, width: '50%', height, alignSelf: 'flex-end' }} />


  • The container style of the ColorPicker.
  • type: ViewStyle
  • Certain style properties will be overridden.


  • Triggers every time the user modifies the color.
  • The function passed can be a worklet function.
  • The passed color object has the following properties: hex, rgb, rgba, hsv, hsva, hwb, hwba, hsl, and hsla
  • type: (color: object) => void
  • default: undefined
  • To prevent performance issues, it is best to avoid using setState in the onChange callback.
  • It is highly recommended to utilize the useSharedValue function from the react-native-reanimated library.


  • Triggered upon the user releasing the slider handle or clicking on a swatch.
  • The function passed can be a worklet function.
  • The passed color object has the following properties: hex, rgb, rgba, hsv, hsva, hwb, hwba, hsl, and hsla
  • type: (color: object) => void
  • default: undefined



  • Set the currently displayed color in the color picker to a new one.

  • Note that this won’t trigger any events like onChange or onComplete.

  • This is useful if you want to update the displayed color without binding a state to the color picker value property.

  • type: (color: string, duration?: number) => void

import ColorPicker from 'reanimated-color-picker';
import type { ColorPickerRef } from 'reanimated-color-picker';

function MyComponent() {
const pickerRef = useRef<ColorPickerRef>(null);

const setNewColorHandle = () => {
if (pickerRef.current) {

return <ColorPicker ref={pickerRef}>{/* the rest of your code */}</ColorPicker>;