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<ExtraThumb />


Adds an extra thumb to the Panel3 component.

  • This component is used exclusively in the Panel3 component.
  • It serves as an indicator for the desired color and does not respond to any gestures.


<Panel3 style={styles.panelStyle} renderCenterLine adaptSpectrum>
<ExtraThumb thumbShape='circle' hueTransform={120} />
<ExtraThumb thumbShape='circle' hueTransform={140} />
<ExtraThumb thumbShape='circle' hueTransform={160} />
{/* using colorTransform to transform the hue channel */}
colorTransform={color => {
return colorKit.runOnUI().spin(color, 180).hsv().object();
<ExtraThumb thumbShape='circle' hueTransform={200} />
<ExtraThumb thumbShape='circle' hueTransform={220} />
<ExtraThumb thumbShape='circle' hueTransform={240} />



  • A Worklet function to transform or modify the color in the HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value) color space, taking an HSVA color object as input and returning a new HSVA color object. The returned object determines the thumb's position inside the panel.
  • Type: (color: HSVObject) => HSVObject


  • An alternative to colorTransform for transforming the hue channel, where the transform amount can be a number or a string, allowing negative values. For example, it can be expressed as '50%' or 50.
  • Type: string | number


  • An alternative to colorTransform for transforming the saturation channel, where the transform amount can be a number or a string, allowing negative values. For example, it can be expressed as '50%' or 50.
  • Type: string | number


  • An alternative to colorTransform for transforming the brightness channel, where the transform amount can be a number or a string, allowing negative values. For example, it can be expressed as '50%' or 50.
  • Type: string | number


  • Triggers every time the user modifies the color, allowing you to get the transformed color through a worklet function passed as a callback.
  • The passed color object has the following properties: hex, rgb, rgba, hsv, hsva, hwb, hwba, hsl, and hsla
  • Type: (color: object) => void
  • Default: undefined
  • To prevent performance issues, it is best to avoid using setState in the onChange callback.
  • It is highly recommended to utilize the useSharedValue function from the react-native-reanimated library.


  • Thumb size (height*width).
  • Type: number
  • Default: inherit from Panel3


  • Change thumb's color.
  • Type: string
  • Default: inherit from Panel3


  • Change thumb's shape and appearance.
  • Type: string
  • Values: 'ring' | 'solid' | 'hollow' | 'line' | 'plus' | 'pill' | 'triangleUp' | 'triangleDown' | 'doubleTriangle' | 'rect' | 'circle'
  • Default: inherit from Panel3


  • Thumb's containing View's style.
  • Type: ViewStyle
  • Default: inherit from Panel3


  • Thumb's inner View(s) style.
  • Type: ViewStyle
  • Default: inherit from Panel3


  • Controls whether to render a line from the center of the panel to the thumb (handle).
  • Type: boolean
  • Default: inherit from Panel3


  • Function which receives ThumbProps and returns a custom thumb component.
  • Overrides thumbShape


Prop Type Description
positionStyle StyleProp This style determines the position of the thumb and is a crucial element that should be included.
width number Extracted from the thumbSize prop and it's important for thumb position calculation.
height number Extracted from the thumbSize prop and it's important for thumb position calculation.
adaptiveColor SharedValue<string> White or black based on the contrast ratio.
currentColor SharedValue<string> This shared value will update whenever the color changes.
initialColor string The initial color value as a string.
  • Example Usage:
import Animated, { useAnimatedStyle } from 'react-native-reanimated';
import type { RenderThumbProps } from 'reanimated-color-picker';

function MyCustomThumb({ width, height, positionStyle, adaptiveColor, currentColor, initialColor }: RenderThumbProps) {
const animatedStyle = useAnimatedStyle(() => ({
borderColor: adaptiveColor.value,
backgroundColor: currentColor.value,

return (
style={[{ width, height, borderWidth: 1, borderRadius: width / 2, overflow: 'hidden' }, animatedStyle, positionStyle]}
<View style={{ backgroundColor: initialColor, width: '50%', height, alignSelf: 'flex-end' }} />